2008年1月28日 星期一

In Praise of Slow – How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed

People who know me say that I am a passionately fast person. That is why when I saw this book in the bookstore; I was attracted by both the title and the illustration on the cover. I bought it just to see how the writer argues his case.

Busy people like me are always on the run for more time but God is fair. We all have only 24 hours. To make the best of time, we rush and multi-task and feel proud of ourselves for being efficient. We are fervent worshippers of the Cult of Speed. But every now and then as things become quieter, there is deep down from the bottom of my heart a fear, fear that I am stretching myself too far, fear that I am burning the candle at both ends and the ultimate fear that I would any minute drop dead. Is that what life is supposed to be? There are so many places I would love to visit, grandchildren I would love to see them grow up and the list does not end here. I have to slow down. This book has given me all the good reasons to take life easy.

The writer, Carl Honore, emphasizes right at that his book is not a declaration against speed since we owe so much to speed which “has helped to remake our world in ways that are wonderful and liberating.” He says that all he wants us to stop and think is that “some things cannot, should not, be sped up.” When we force speed, “there is a price to pay.” In fact, there is a Chinese idiom epitomizing the same message: the desire to speed things up ends in not achieving anything at all.

When we examine our own life, this does bring an echo. How many times in the morning when we boot our computer, we are impatient and keep clicking the cursor and the computer is down? How often do we see people getting choked because they are swallowing too fast? Have ever slipped and fallen because we are rushing? These are but “cheap” prices we are paying for being fast. Think of the higher costs we might have to pay because of the fast life we have. Drivers cut lane and tail the car in the front in order to arrive faster. But such kind of road manner is the cause of most traffic accidents. Instead of enjoying our food at the table, we gobble our lunch washing it down with a coke. All these are absolutely “dehumanizing” for we feel a sense of guilt when we wind down and at a loss when we have time in hand to kill.

The book points out in greater details how the Cult of Speed is bringing devastating repercussions on the environment. When farmers do not have the patience to see their chickens or corn grow naturally, they start feeding them with pills. We desire to look physically fit and yet feel annoyed to work out for it. We only want quick fix and so take slimming pills or undergo plastic surgery and we suffer fatal effects.

The book makes us think. There is no urgency to finish it at one go. Just savour one or two chapters when you have time. Take it slowly. After all, that is what the book is about.

"Why I am not a Christian: and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects" recommended by Mr. Chan

羅素(Bertrand Russell)是二十世紀最具影響力的哲學家之一,也是我最敬重的數學家之一。最先聽到他的名字是在高中數學課,數學老師是位數學痴,動不動就跟我們說數學如何奧妙。不過對同學來說,數學最奧妙的地方可能是考得好就能在大學選讀較好的科目。畢竟開展人生要比展開多頂式實際得多。那時自己對數學的認識也就是學校教的那些,談不上有什麼興趣,甚至功課交不足,課也沒心聽。但老師說的羅素悖論,第三次數學危機等,卻漸引起我的興趣。自己看書,漸漸知道數學基礎在上世紀初對哲學影響甚深,大大促進了分析哲學和數理邏輯的發展,而羅素正是當中的重要人物。從數學中看到豐富的哲學問題,加上老師不住勸導,我才不致荒廢學業。說起來,羅素和那位老師正是令我選擇讀數學的人。



羅素的大謄言論可在Why I am not a Christian: and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects 看到。幾十年前寫的書,現在社會上仍有那些問題。當年看的是同學父親送的中文版,現在英文版大書局一定有,中文版則很難找到。家中的那本,願送贈有心(有心看)人。其實羅素大概是眾文學獎得主文字寫得最淺白的一位,大家不妨看原文。


書名: 《訓練思考能力的數學書》
作者: 岡部恆治
出版社: 究竟出版






Book Recommendation – Cheung Chun Miu

The book I am recommending is called “Who moved my cheese”. It is a parable written by Dr. Spencer Johnson. In reality, the society is often changing, thus we need to face changes from time to time. The way we deal with changes usually determines whether we’ll succeed. As a result, learning to face changes is a really important part of our life. The story “Who moved my cheese” talks about four characters, representing four kinds of people, pursuing cheese in a maze, dealing with changes of the environment. It finally comes to a conclusion that we should always prepare ourselves to adapt to a new environment in order to succeed. I recommend this book to all students since it’s a meaningful book and the language used is not difficult that all students can understand it.

2008年1月27日 星期日

推介: 感染



許多人一聽到細菌便覺得可怕,假如有人告訴你其實我們一真與細菌共存,包括體外及體內,你會覺得驚奇嗎? 在生物學的角度,所有生物皆與其他生物共同生活,缺乏任何一方其實也不能生存下去!

你以為把家裡消毒乾淨,我們便不會生病嗎? 錯! 我們祇會更易生病! 這聽來有點不合常理,但事實如此。看過此書,相信你對微生物有進一步認識,並更能體會人是不會也不能獨活的,包括與其他生物一起,亦包括與其他人一起。



我通常都會覺得這條問題有些問題,為何一定要看完一本書?還有,你看書的目的是最快看完那本書嗎? 快又怎樣!


理由? 沒需要一定要看完一本書呀!




不是說笑,許多書藉其實談的是祇是一些觀念(大部份的內容是例子而已),如果你已「明白」的話,是真的沒必要再看下去的! 當然,「明白」是很主觀的,但難道你看罷整本書一定會明白多些嗎?

祇閱讀部份,會否誤解了作者的意思? 我覺得除非你看的是懸疑小說,否則寫了一半還可能會誤導他人的書本,不看也罷! (順帶一提,書名倒是經常誤導他人的。)不過,也有一些書(例如「厚黑學」這本),即使你看罷整本書,許多人還是誤解了作者的意思。(所以說,諷刺的書是有點難明的,沒有足夠的幽默感,不要隨便看一些嘻笑怒罵的書籍呢,恐防自傷己身!)


當然,即使你喜歡把全本書啃完,也不是甚麼罪過,個人喜好而己。有時我也會整本書看罷的! 理由? 沒甚麼理由,心情好而已,又或者是與那本書有緣!





1. 閱讀不同類型的書籍需要不同的方法。

2. 同一本書對不同人的功能也可能不同的。

3. 閱讀某本書籍的目的影響你採取的方法。

那即是怎樣閱讀? 不要鋼板一塊,按不同的情況用不同的方法!


.....我怎知你心裡面想怎樣呢? 你可瀏覽這目錄的文章,或試試請教他人,更重要的是自己試試!

2008年1月25日 星期五


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